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Intelligence that helps you to hit sustainability targets

Capturing the right data and insights for your company is just the starting point in the drive to meet sustainability goals.

What matters is how your organisation uses this data to build real intelligence, transform operations and create competitive advantage through a culture of sustainable growth. Our team of experts are pioneers in turning data into sustainability solutions.

We fuse your company’s sustainability goals with your operational and supply chain data to help you measure the environmental impact of your business, identify risks, and predict where you will need to course correct to hit your targets. We’ll go further to identify opportunities for new ways of doing things and create a roadmap of sustainable growth.

Sustainability Studio for ESG Scoring

Companies now invest heavily to meet environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. Falling short on sustainability can harm your reputation and value, so the ability to assess your business’s performance – and that of your peers – through ESG scores is incredibly important.

We bring together a vast range of publicly available data, and analyse it against internationally recognised standards for sustainability. This creates an ESG score to track your performance, and to refine your sustainability strategy.

Take a 360 view of ESG performance for some of the largest companies across 46 numbers of industries with Sustainability Studio.

Try Sustainability Studio for Free


Greener Data Platform for Scope 3 Emissions Accounting

Understanding scope 3 emissions based on spend is good first start to make some progress towards carbon reduction goals, but our Platorm of Greener Data accelerators take you to the next level of action proving invaluable to every facet of the business.

Our accelerators enrich your sales and procurement data with a range of additional data sets covering climate, biodiversity, geopolitical risk, upstream transportation emissions and more.

We empower your teams with impact insights but also forecasts and recommendations of where the biggest reduction impacts can be made across all 15 categories of scope 3.

Explore our Scope 3 accelerators now


Embodied Carbon LCA

Need to understand how your business can make effective changes throughout the design, use, upgrade and demolition phases of your building’s life cycle? Allow us to create or enrich your BIM files, providing you with a breakdown of embodied carbon for every component of your building.

Elastacloud’s Embodied Carbon LCA allows further focus on improvements with low carbon materials, intelligent energy management, longevity and recyclability.

Watch our demo now.

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